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Nikyar H R, Soleimani N. The Viewpoint of Faculty Members and Students of Najafabad Faculty of Medicine on Delivering Medical Courses in a Virtual Environment: A Qualitative Study. Iranian Journal of Medical Education 2023; 23 :196-206
URL: http://ijme.mui.ac.ir/article-1-5658-en.html
Department of Health, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Azad University, Najaf Abad, Isfahan, Iran. , soleymani593@gmail.com
Abstract:   (713 Views)
Introduction: Despite the experience of offering specialized courses on the virtual platform in the era of Corona, there are still doubts about the delivery of specialized courses on the virtual platform. This study endeavors to investigate the views of the professors and students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Najaf Abad Azad University regarding delivering specialized courses on the virtual platform and the reasons for holding and not holding these courses virtually.

Methods: This is qualitative study conducted through the content analysis method. The statistical population included professors and students of health, nursing, midwifery, and medicine of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Najafabad Azad University. Thirty students and 14 professors from different disciplines were selected by purposeful sampling to conduct semi-structured interviews. The interview lasted 15 to 20 minutes for students and 50 to 90 minutes for professors. Interviewing continued until data saturation. Data analysis was done by thematic content analysis method based on Krippendorff's approach. The accuracy and correctness of the data were confirmed by experts and checking by the members. 

Results: Professors and students believed that all basic and theoretical specialized courses can be delivered on a virtual platform. As to the analysis of qualitative data, the reasons of professors and students for gettig and not holding specialized courses on a virtual platform were divided into 23 sub-categories and two general categories: Attitude (optimal use of time, cost reduction, escape from poor professors' teaching) and technical skills (better management of classes with large population, use of new technologies in teaching).

Conclusion: Examining the views and opinions of professors and students indicated that the arguments for and against delivering specialized courses on a virtual platform. Inferences are drawn from these views that help to improve the process of holding and delivering courses on the virtual platform.

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Type of Study: Original research article | Subject: E-learning
Received: 2023/06/22 | Accepted: 2023/08/15 | Published: 2023/03/30 | ePublished: 2023/03/30

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