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Ranjbar T, Heydari M. The Structural Model of Job Resources for the Promotion of Innovative Work Behavior of faculty members, Mediated by Job Engagement: A study in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Iranian Journal of Medical Education 2023; 23 :166-175
URL: http://ijme.mui.ac.ir/article-1-5622-en.html
Abadeh Branch, Islamic Azad University , t2411179359@gmail.com
Abstract:   (972 Views)

Introduction: The innovative behavior of academic members is a prerequisite for their educational and research effectiveness, which helps them to be more effective in the classroom and research work. This study endeavors to investigate the effect of the structural model of job resources on the promotion of innovative work behavior mediated by job engagement.

Methods: This study was a correlational descriptive. The population is all faculty members of the school of medicine in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences). To select the sample size, a sample of 214 individuals was selected by simple random method using Cochran's formula. Kanter's Shoufeli et al.'s job engagement, Morgson and Humphrey's job independence, and Baqer et al.'s questionnaire were used to measure innovative work behavior. The reliability of the questionnaire was computed through Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability and its validity by construct and content validity. Using structural equation modeling technique, the research hypotheses were analyzed.

Results: The results revealed that job autonomy has a positive and significant effect on innovative work behavior (p=0.000) and job engagement (p=0.002), reward and appreciation as well as innovative work behavior (p=0.004) and job engagement (p=0.000) has a positive and significant effect. Besides, job passion plays a mediating role in the relationship between job autonomy (p=0.001) and reward and appreciation (p=0.012) with innovative work behavior.

Conclusion: By providing the field of job independence and reward and appreciation of academic staff members, it is possible to increase their engagement for their work and promote the innovative work behavior of academic staff members.

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Type of Study: Original research article | Subject: Educational Management
Received: 2023/03/17 | Accepted: 2023/06/27 | Published: 2023/03/30 | ePublished: 2023/03/30

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