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Yazdani S, Dashti Rahmatabadi M, Afshar L, Ahmady S, Derakhshan A. A Study of Necessary Activities for Moving towards Educational Equity in Higher Education. Iranian Journal of Medical Education 2020; 20 :228-238
URL: http://ijme.mui.ac.ir/article-1-5025-en.html
National Agency for Strategic Research in Medical Education (NASR) , Dashtirm1@sbmu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (5124 Views)
Introduction: In the scientific literature, each author has considered "educational equity” from a different perspective and some of its specifications and indices. These indices need to be carefully examined. In this study, the initial aim was to review scientific texts and different perspectives on "educational equity" in higher education to facilitate prioritize measures that enable taking operational steps toward "educational equity."
Methods: This study was conducted through Synthesis of Quantitative Literature (classified as a synthesis research). Therefore, based on the gathered scientific literature, necessary activities for reaching “educational equity” were introduced using the content analysis method and extracting, coding, and categorizing the items.
Results: The required steps for moving towards “educational equity” were categorized as follows: Steps before entering higher education (including 5 basic subsets), institutional actions and interventions (four subsets), and national actions and interventions (four subsets).
Conclusion: In order to achieve equity in higher education, while considering the initial and institutional measures, additional measures need to be taken to achieve "educational equity". These include measures that should be considered at the national level to anticipate the needs of the "labor market" by adopting appropriate policies, so that graduates can apply their skills in the community.
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Type of Study: Original research article | Subject: Educational Management
Received: 2020/01/22 | Accepted: 2020/06/16 | Published: 2020/11/15 | ePublished: 2020/11/15

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