pirhaji O, omid A, haghdoost F, oliya B. Training Team’s Attitudes Toward The Patient’s Consent To Participate In Clinical Education. Iranian Journal of Medical Education 2012; 11 (9) :1430-1435
, athar_omid@yahoo.com
Abstract: (9378 Views)
Introduction: In educational hospitals, sometimes the patients that seek medical health care are involved in teaching and learning process without enough knowledge about medical students’ skills. This study aimed to examine medical training team’s attitude toward patient's consent to participate in clinical training.
Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted at Isfahan University of medical sciences using a researcher-made 12-item questionnaire with 5-point Likert Scale. From the target population including all of the professors and residents of Isfahan University of medical sciences, 61 took part in study.
Results: Forty two point five percent of the participants were residents and 57.5% were professors. The overall mean attitude score was 34.9 ±3.03 that was considered moderate. The mean attitude score for professors and residents were 35.58±3.35 and 33.88 ±3.03, respectively which were not significantly different. Most of the participants believed that patients should not be informed about students' ability levels before examination.
Conclusion: It seems that the concern of the medical training team about lack of patient cooperation in teaching and learning process results in ignoring in patients' rights in making an informed choice. Conducting further studies in order to find the causes and solutions to improve and upgrade the existing situation is suggested.
Type of Study:
Original research article |
Teaching Methods Received: 2012/04/11 | Accepted: 2012/04/16 | Published: 2012/03/15 | ePublished: 2012/03/15
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