Volume 4, Issue 1 (Spring 2004)                   Iranian Journal of Medical Education 2004, 4(1): 55-60 | Back to browse issues page

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Heravi M, Jadid Milani M, Rejeh N. The Effect Of Lecture And Focus Group Teaching Methods On Nursing Students Learning In Community Health Course. Iranian Journal of Medical Education 2004; 4 (1) :55-60
URL: http://ijme.mui.ac.ir/article-1-11-en.html
Abstract:   (25517 Views)
Introduction. New methods of teaching in nursing education has not been extensively investigated in Iran. Considering the importance of nursing education promotion and successful application of new methods of teaching, especially focus group method, this study was conducted to determine and compare the effect of lecture, and focus group teaching methods on nursing students' learning in community health course (1) at Shahed University in the year 2002-2003. Methods. A semi-experimental study was conducted on 49 nursing students who had community health course (through census sampling method). After matching the variables of sex, gender, mean grade of previous semester and the use of students' dormitory, 24 students were selected for focus group and 25 students for lecture group, randomly. A teacher taught them using the two methods, during the morning for one hour, 45 minutes, and for 16 sessions. The data colleting tool was a demographic data sheet and community health test in the form of multiple choice questions. Both groups took the pretest and demographic data sheet at the first day of the course and post-test at the last day. The data were analyzed by SPSS 9.5 using frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, Mann Whitney and Sign test. Results. The learning rate increased significantly in both focus group method and lecture method groups. But, in the group taught by focus group method, the learning rate was significantly higher than lecture group method. The mean grade of previous semester in lecture method group showed a positive moderate correlation with their learning rate. Conclusion. Considering the role of focus group method in making the students active in learning, developing their social skills and improving their communication skills, it can replace lecture teaching method. It is suggested that teachers and educational planners apply this method in students' education. More studies are recommended to investigate the weaknesses and strengths of this method.
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Type of Study: Original research article |
Received: 2006/09/6 | Accepted: 2004/06/15 | Published: 2004/06/15 | ePublished: 2004/06/15

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