Keyhani M, Taghvaei D, Rajabi A, Amirpour B. Internal Consistency and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) among Nursing Female . Iranian Journal of Medical Education 2015; 14 (10) :857-865
(*)Instructor, Department of psychology, Tehran Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran. Email: ,
Abstract: (13195 Views)
Introduction: Introduction: Resilience has been defined as the capacity to sustain relatively stable psychological well-being and the ability to develop positive experiences and emotions under stressful and overwhelming situations. The present study aimed at assessing the internal consistency and confirmatory factor analysis of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) among female students of nursing.
Methods: In this descriptive psychometric study, 500 undergraduate female nursing students of Kermanshah and Hamadan Universities of Medical Sciences in 2014 were randomly selected. The participants completed Conner-Davidson Resilience Scale(CD-RISC), Buss and Perry aggression questionnaire, Schwarzer & Jerusalem’s General Self-Efficacy scale(GSE-10), and Diener et al.`s Satisfaction With Life Scale(SWLS). The reliability was assessed through internal consistency methods (Chronbach’s alpha coefficient and Spearman-Brown Split-Half), and in order to assess concurrent validity, the correlation between self-efficacy scores, aggression and satisfaction with life scores and resilience was assessed. The construct validity was determined using confirmatory factor analysis method. The data were analyzed using LISREL8.5 and SPSS-16 with a 95% confidence level.
Results: The results of correlation coefficients of concurrent validity showed a negative significant correlation between resilience and aggression and a positive significant correlation with self-efficacy and satisfaction with life. Cronbach's alpha coefficient and split-half Spearman–Brown were 0.669 and 0.665, respectively. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that among 10 items of Conner-Davidson resilience Scale, items 5 and 8 had low loadings therefore, they were excluded. After this modification, model parameters for one-dimensional factor analysis were fitted.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that due to the moderating role of resilience in stressful and difficult occupations such as nursing, and the lack of appropriate tools to measure this factor among nurses, this scale can be used for research purposes and admitting students in the target population.
Type of Study:
Original research article |
Program Evaluation Received: 2014/05/31 | Accepted: 2014/11/26 | Published: 2014/12/29 | ePublished: 2014/12/29
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