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Mashhad university of medical sciences , mousavim@mums.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1617 Views)

Introduction: Comparative studies are one of the research methods in reviewing educational programs. This study endeavored to describe, interprete, and compare the criteria for promoting Iranian medical  with selected universities in the world.
Methods: This is a descriptive-comparative study that first studied the new regulations for the promotion of faculty members of Iranian universities of medical sciences, then the latest criteria for the promotion of professors in other universities and research conducted in this regard, Searched, translated, and studied by searching the sites of various universities and the Google-scholar, Scupos, Pubmed sites, and the Proquest and Magiran magazines. The four prominent universities in Shanghai International Rankings, including Harvard, Stanford, Will Cornell and John Hopkins, were selected as the research sample. The applied model in this study was a Beredy model that identifies four stages of description, interpretation, proximity, and comparison in comparative studies.
Results: In the studies, it was determined that the criteria in the selected universities are in the fields of: education, research, skills and innovation, or clinical care, and in some cases program construction. The candidate chooses to upgrade a field. There is also a support criterion consisting of achievement in all specific areas and activities. In Iran, educational, research-technology, scientific-executive and cultural-social training criteria are the main criteria.
Conclusion: The results obtained allow the country's scientific policymakers to develop, revise and modify the criteria for promoting faculty members with a broader vision which in turn set the stage for the ground for the comprehensive promotion of scientific and research education in the country.

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Type of Study: Original research article | Subject: Comperative Studies
Received: 2020/02/4 | Accepted: 2020/07/4 | Published: 2021/01/19 | ePublished: 2021/01/19

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