Rahmani A, Mohajjel Aghdam A, Fathi Azar E, Abdullahzadeh F. Comparing the Effects of Concept Mapping and Integration Method on Nursing Students' Learning in Nursing Process Course in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Iranian Journal of Medical Education 2007; 7 (1) :41-49
, E-mail: azadrahmanims@yahoo.com
Abstract: (26516 Views)
Introduction: To analyze patients' problems and make an appropriate care plan, nursing students need a deep and meaningful learning. Therefore, it is better to choose educational methods which are capable of educating nursing students in such learning level. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of concept mapping and integration model on nursing students' learning in nursing process course.
Methods: In a quasi-experimental study with two groups, pre-test post-test design, 45 second semester nursing students were selected through convenient sampling method and randomly divided into two experiment and control groups. After pretest, control and experiment groups received education using integration method and concept mapping, respectively, for 10 sessions during 2 months. Then, they took the post-test. For gathering data, an achievement test consisted of two parts was used which evaluated students’ knowledge and meaningful learning in nursing process course. The results were analyzed using chi-square test, independent and paired t-tests by SPSS software.
Results: Both educational strategies were useful in enhancing students' knowledge and meaningful learning. But, the mean difference of pre and post tests in meaningful learning had a significant difference between the two groups.
Conclusion: Considering the effect of concept mapping method on students’ meaningful learning, it is recommended to employ this method in teaching courses which require a deep learning and high level of understanding the content.
Type of Study:
Original research article |
Received: 2007/10/14 | Published: 2007/06/15 | ePublished: 2007/06/15
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