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Bahadori S, Sharifirad G, Fazlolahi Qomshi S. Factors Affecting the Empowerment of Faculty Members of Qom Azad University: A Qualitative Study. Iranian Journal of Medical Education 2023; 23 :253-267
URL: http://ijme.mui.ac.ir/article-1-5675-en.html
Faculty of Health, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran. , dr.sharifirad@gmail.com
Abstract:   (409 Views)

Introduction: Implementation of programs related to the empowerment of faculty members is one of the important channels for creating change and transformation in the higher education system, especially Azad University. Because Azad University, as the main specialized human resource development institution, has played a critical role in achieving sustainable development based on globalization, the necessity of examining the factors affecting the empowerment of academic members in it is undeniable. Therefore, this study endeavors to present the effective components on empowering the faculty members of Islamic Azad University, Qom branch.

Methods: This study was a qualitative grounded theory research. Data gathering was also qualitative database and the population were experts in the field of empowerment in Azad University. The sampling method was purposeful. In-depth and semi-structured interviews were used to collect information. After 15 interviews, theoretical saturation was achieved. Therefore, the selected sample is equal to 15 individuals, the method of data analysis is theoretical coding according to the grounded theory approach.

Results: The findings showed 11 main categories and concepts through open coding. Besides, in the central and selective coding stage, refined categories and effective components on the empowerment of faculty members in Azad University were presented. In the presented model, the causal conditions included personal factors, managerial factors, work-related factors and profession. The context included the categories of changing the organizational environment and changing professional tendencies and intervening factors including environmental changes and legal-developmental platforms. The strategies in the designed model included individual, managerial-organizational strategies and consequences including attitudinal and behavioral consequences.

Conclusion: The results indicated that personal, managerial, and professional factors are effective components on the empowerment of Azad University faculty members. Considering the fact that empowerment is an integral part of today's educational systems and organizations, it is suggested that Azad University also take serious action to implement the empowerment program among its faculty members.
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Type of Study: Review article | Subject: Educational Management
Received: 2023/08/17 | Accepted: 2023/12/2 | Published: 2023/03/30 | ePublished: 2023/03/30

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