Abdolmaleki M, Ashoorioun V, Momeni S, Zarezadeh Y, rokhzadi M. The Influence Of Study Guide On Clinical Education Of Nursery Students. Iranian Journal of Medical Education 2011; 10 (5) :1289-1295
, ashourioun@med.mui.ac.ir
Abstract: (18114 Views)
Introduction: Presence of up-to-date knowledge, sufficient incentive and knowing the methods for clinical skills performance are the most crucial basics for patient care. In this study, influence of instruction based on the study guide will be investigated on the clinical competence and satisfaction of students. Methods: This study is a quasi-experimental research. 37 nursing students participates in this study. The study conducted in CCU ward. First, study guide for CCU ward prepared. Then, participants divided into two groups: control and experimental group. Control group take the course as a formal course and then experimental group take the course by the use of study guide. At the end of each course an OSCE devised for measurement of clinical skills competencies. SPSS software (version 11.5) used for data analysis and means compared by the use of student “t” test and Leven test.. Results: The clinical competencies of experimental group improved ahead of control group. (P value=0.002). 88.3% of students satisfied because of study guide usage for learning clinical competencies. Conclusion: The findings of study shows that use of study guide can be helpful for improving quality of education and students’ satisfaction. It is congruent with other studies
Type of Study:
other |
other Received: 2011/05/17 | Accepted: 2011/08/6 | Published: 2011/02/15 | ePublished: 2011/02/15
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