Ezoddini Ardakani F, Dadsefat R. Investigating The Causes For Repeating Periapical Radiographies In Radiology Department Of School Of Dentistry And The Effect Of Education On Its Reduction. Iranian Journal of Medical Education 2010; 9 (4) :337-345
, afsan40@yahoo.co.uk
Abstract: (14742 Views)
Introduction: Despite quite a lot of risks resulting from repetitious radiographies, supervision on dental radiographies' repetition may serve as custody against radius. The aim of this study was to investigate the causes for repeating periapical radiography in radiology department of school of dentistry and the effect of education on repeatition reduction in Yazd University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This descriptive analytical study performed as quasi-experimental (before and after) trial. After patients' referral to department of oral and maxillofacial radiology, radiographies taken by students having faults were gathered in a place and once again the films were given to students. Among the erroneous graphs in the middle of the semester, 300 graphs were randomly selected and investigated. 15 cases for technical errors and 13 cases for developmental faults were recorded separately in tables. In midterm, the causes for faults taken place were discussed and students were fully educated on methods for avoiding these failures attending in radiography room and darkroom. After this educational period the process was repeated and at the end of the semester, 160 defected films were investigated and recorded in previous tables. Data was analyzed using t-test, Z, chi², Fisher exact test, and McNamara. Results: All observed errors before intervention were 577 types and the failure mean was1.92 in each film. Only 350 films were repeated after intervention that among 160 selected samples, 169 faults were recorded and failure mean turned to be 1.05 in each film and the difference is significant. Performing this educational intervention reduced the rate of erroneous graphs by more than 60 percent. The frequency of failure repetition also showed a significant difference before and after intervention. Conclusion: Error reduction in radiography repetition resulting from education is evident but it seems despite complete education in theoretical courses, the causes for repeating radiography films should be investigated suspiciously and continual education should be given to students in radiography room and darkrooms. It may reduce superfluous and unnecessary radiographies, decrease radiation process and observing rules on safekeeping against it, lessen the time spent and patients' dissatisfaction, and decline the heavy costs of film and developmental processing material in educational centers.
Type of Study:
Original research article |
other Received: 2010/04/4 | Accepted: 2011/08/7 | Published: 2010/03/15 | ePublished: 2010/03/15
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