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Adib-Hajbaghery M, Karimi H. Methods of Teaching Electrocardiogram: Which One Is the Best?. Iranian Journal of Medical Education 2016; 16 :21-30
URL: http://ijme.mui.ac.ir/article-1-3909-en.html
Kashan University of medical sciences , adib1344@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (6712 Views)

Introduction: There are many methods for teaching ECG interpretation, but deciding on the best method is yet to be discussed. The purpose of this research was to examine teaching methods for ECG interpretation and introduce the most effective ones.

Methods: This systematic review was conducted by searching through scientific databases of PUBMED, Science Direct, SID and IranMedex. Papers published between 2000 to 2015 were reviewed using the keywords teaching method, electrocardiogram interpretation and ECG interpretation. Finally, 16 papers were selected out of 45 publications.

Results: The papers were classified in three categories: common methods of teaching electrocardiogram, the impact of lecture, and the role of computer programs in learning electrocardiogram. Findings showed that lecturing, workshop, self-directed learning, internet and computer programs are the methods used for teaching electrocardiogram interpretation. Lecture is used more than other methods, although it is less effective than other methods such as workshop and educational software. Experience of working in cardiac units also could significantly affect the learning of ECG interpretation.

Conclusion: It would be better to combine lecture with other methods such as educational software and group discussion when teaching ECG interpretation so that students could be more actively engaged in the teaching process.

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Type of Study: Review article | Subject: Teaching Methods
Received: 2015/10/15 | Accepted: 2016/01/3 | Published: 2016/02/15 | ePublished: 2016/02/15

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