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Allameh Tabataba'i University
Abstract:   (3048 Views)
Introduction: Medical education programs should be designed in such a way as to provide a platform for students to acquire skills and clinical skills. The present study sought to develop Medical Instructional Design Model Based on Virtual Reality and its internal validation.
Methods: The present study was performed using qualitative content analysis method. 170 units were selected from the database documents to collect data by targeted sampling method. Also, 27 professors and students were interviewed by targeted sampling method. For data analysis, Mayring content analysis method was used and for internal validation of the model by survey method and using a researcher-made checklist, the opinion of the participating experts was obtained.
Results: By reviewing articles and analyzing interview themes, the Medical Instructional Design was extracted, which has five main components, which are: 1. The analysis component includes determining educational needs, determining learners' characteristics, determining virtual reality features, and determining the type of content suitable for presentation via virtual reality. 2- Design component includes determining general goals, determining the amount of immersion, determining training strategies, determining the level of reality, determining the content. 3- Component of production and production includes: scenario design, user interface design, content design, virtual reality world modeling, platform preparation Form 4-Support and implementation include training implementation, integration of virtual education system in the training program, support 5- Evaluation component including formative evaluation, compression evaluation, ease of use evaluation.
Conclusion: For designing Medical Instructional Design Model Based on Virtual Reality, the components of analysis, design, preparation and production, support, implementation and evaluation should be considered. It is suggested that in addition to the application of virtual reality in medical education, the design process of medical education should be determined according to the current research model.
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Type of Study: Original research article | Subject: Educational Technology
Received: 2019/08/16 | Accepted: 2020/06/10 | Published: 2020/07/13 | ePublished: 2020/07/13

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